Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
Well you are gonna have to teach me also.
No problem. Lesson one - stay up later at night.

Actually, I made up my roster yesterday afternoon when the site was down. I was satisfied taking the Mariners and spent every dime of my 50 mill. So late, late last night I am looking and just double checking and I am confused because I can't tell who the hell is pitching for the Yankees. Know why I couldnt tell? Because there was TWO games listed in the probables. Well, bite ME! I think this game was a make up from all the way back in April. So I'll bet I made roster changes a half hour before deadline. And as bleak as things look right now, I ain't bragging. Things better turn around in the 2nd game.

Oh and I thought Douche-Man said he listed all the DH's in his palm pilot. Did he miss one? Or does he know something we don't??

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....