Originally posted by Beth E:
At least I did better then plaw yesterday. :p
Mmmmmm, that sounds SO good. Let's all say it together!

Interesting choices today our last day of the week. The Pork's got me by 2 lousy points? The Dodger's winning streak can't hold too much longer...

And yesterday - Philly - yeah the dark horse. Whoda thunk it? But I tempt fate with another pick like that today. I went against my Dodger gut. I hope my attempt to lobotomize myself from the Pork Chop doesn't bite me on the backside. The difference between 2nd and 3rd place after today WILL BE much more substantial.

And I only trail PL by 136. Hmm, he is still catchable after all.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....