One word for tonight: Mediocre. Or here's another word: crap. No real movement in the ranks with the exception of our newest 12th place member If you averaged out all the scores, we all did about 40.

I shouldn't chide Bethie though, who even with that obscene score, managed to score more OH-ffensive points than me. :rolleyes:

And Bethie, dont be too hard on Randy - he is scheduled to pitch tomorrow. Millwood pitched for your PS today but only about 3 innings. Leave it to a team that YOU picked to start a brawl on the field. I thought I was watching football there for a minute with all the tackling going on!

Chin up. We have all had a sucky night at least once in this game. Way to debut on Friday the 13th!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....