Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
LD 3136 Dodgers (going to the well a 3rd time)
Yes, every day I get excited at the prospect of not paying 8 million bucks for pitching, but alas...gotta go with my gut sometime. And three days in a row, I have spent EVERY penny.

Pork - how that bunch of scrubs you tossed together last night nabbed you 87 points is beyond me. Ok, you had your good night, you can stop now.

And Bethie - I have never smacked you for any other valid reason on the basis of friendship but I LIKE the Yankees. About the only AL team out there that I can stomach and I respect. I watched that game last night, it was like watching The Bad News Bears in the Outfield. The only thing that could've made it better for me would be to have picked Houston. But who in their right mind woulda done that??

Remember, if you are gonna trash talk, you gotta play. Them's the rules. It's at times painful, but you get used to it after a while.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....