Originally posted by plawrence:
I mean, I'd hate to lose to a rookie, and even worse, to a woman.
You didn't think this would escape my attention would you? While I COULD be horribly offended, I wouldn't think you would sink so low as to call me a "rookie"

As far as strategy goes, I can't say that I hang on to players for very long. I am indeed all woman and therefore fickle and in constant need of change in my players. I only hung on to my main two because they did so well for me all the time. I tend to look at players daily and size them up against what they are up against. I mean even a .400 heavy hitter can go 0-fer. Then he is no good to me.

Like JG, I have dabbled in fantasy sports (MLB & NFL) for years. This is just my first time at ESPN with a bunch of STRANGErs. I actually like it better this way...I don't have to see your mugs at the water cooler every day to trash talk. I can ignore you when I'm thru listening to your drivel.

So tonight is gonna be a yawnfest. Yeah, JG, shoulda gone for Philly just to make it more interesting for us all. Somebody's gotta crash and burn for entertainment around here.

Tomorrow? Clean slate. A new week basically. And if Pork Chop and I have 2 or more players the same, I will.....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....