Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
[b] Just got back from a picnic. I feel ill (again)! :
Hey DS - I hope this doesn't make me a bad person but when I saw you took a PS from a double header and lost points again for the third time this week, I had to laugh - sorry.

But here is something to ponder - think of how much time you spent each day this week selecting your lineup - say 10 minutes a day with 6 games so far, for a total of 1 hour. So with that hour spent, compare that to the time UU spent chosing his lineup - which was ZERO as in NO minutes - and he has picked up over 75 points on you this week. Kind of makes you sick to your stomach doesn't it. Maybe this is a case of sometimes less is more? OH SHIT - I just realized I took the same PS as you in a DH today - damn.
[/b][/quote]Well, I got nothing to say. I don't blame you for laughing- my pitching staff picks this week have been nothing short of laughable. As for your comparison to UU, well that's just data mining dude. Sure, it's been a bad week but I don't see you comparing the efficiency of time when people have good weeks. Therefore, your trash talk is, in actuality, statistically insignificant! All in due time, my man, all in due time!