Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Just got back from a picnic. I feel ill (again)! :
Hey DS - I hope this doesn't make me a bad person but when I saw you took a PS from a double header and lost points again for the third time this week, I had to laugh - sorry.

But here is something to ponder - think of how much time you spent each day this week selecting your lineup - say 10 minutes a day with 6 games so far, for a total of 1 hour. So with that hour spent, compare that to the time UU spent chosing his lineup - which was ZERO as in NO minutes - and he has picked up over 75 points on you this week. Kind of makes you sick to your stomach doesn't it. Maybe this is a case of sometimes less is more? OH SHIT - I just realized I took the same PS as you in a DH today - damn.

Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
Question: How come everytime "I" have Colon, he sucks?
Excuse the third grade humor but wouldn't it be better to ask 'How come everytime you have Colon - he stinks'.

You have to excuse me today - it has been a good weekend and I feel cocky and I don't even have Wood going today

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