Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
I will call this "Buffy's Sad Obsessed Life" -probably be long, but read, you might get a chuckle or two:

Thinking that it was going to be the Atlanta game ppd, I complain that if I dont know these things and am not able to make changes, I could potentially be the 6th place chump ....
So Buffy - you got a problem with 6th place? So regarding this whole story I have read through and thought back to how on Friday night I was also out and busy - and interestingly enough Fantasy Baseball was the furthest thing from my mind.

So I paid basically no attention to my roster, compared to your multiple person strategic deployment and in the end I still got a higher score than you, go figure. Oh and all of that and you still lost ground to PL and Pork Rinds - and not to mention less points than UU - who is NOT even playing, excuse me (achhhhhoooooGEEKgzuendheit!). I am sure your hubby (there is a special place in heaven for this guy) at least can take solace in the fact that he knows his participation was not for naught - oh wait maybe it was.