Just got back from PNC- or should I say the Boston Marathon. I think everyone on their roster got to round the bases tonight. Prolly cuz they pretty much had a home game tonight (u no its bad when the whole stadium in the burgh is chanting "Yankees Suck")

Is any1 herr from Boston. Whos the backup outfielder named Jackson- hes the frickin man. I sat right on the 3rd base line toward the corner so I's right over the left fielders. WE gave so Manny so much hell and he just stood ther w/ his hands on his nees & never even looked up once. Then they put this Jackson guy in for the last inning and he was sweet. he looked up and laughed at our insults & said shit to us- made our trash talking way more fun. The best though was when the pirates werr down to therr last out he turned to us and turned his hat inside out indicating the "rally cap" -- i thought it was hilarious. It showed me how much more fun the young no-name was having than the multi-millinaire

I put my faith in the bucos pitching today...and...well...i came up with -25 but thats aight- it was another good night at the park- i also have a newfound hatred for NewEnglanders(not really if u are 1)although the Pirate organization prolly loves em---beer sells tripled today.

One Love