To add on to Plaw's list, people might be interested who's using offensive players in the DH:

PL 2820 (10) BoSox (4 offensive players- all Bos)
LD 2618 (48) BoSox (3 Bos)
JG 2596 (14) BoSox (4 Bos, 1 Pit)
DB 2548 (39) Pitts (5 Pit)
UU 2451 (24) LA (0)
OA 2316 (18) Pitts (1 Pit)
HH 2268 (40) Yanks (1 Pit)
BD 2247 (00) San Fran (3 Bos)
SC 2170 (19) Seattle (2 Bos)
JJ 0195 (44) Seattle (0)