Originally posted by J Geoff:
DAMN AZ BULLPEN!! 3 ER's in the last 2 innings - WTF?!!
That is because of the Curse of Pork. With the curse going your PS does well - giving you a false sense of confidence and then rips your heart out in the 8th and 9th inning. I believe PL has an entire chapter dedicated on the Curse in his upcoming book - see how he has been avoiding it. I have been trying to avoid it also - I select Woody early in the day, but late last night I changed it thinking that Pork Rinds would have him also - guess I am thinking too much now. :p

Anyway JGeoff, with others in the mix I am hoping for a neutralizing effect and a nice 20+ point result. Looks like if Buffy doesn't pick up the pace, the burden will fall to you, young Skywalker, to force PL to change his ranking. Are you up to the challenge?

EDIT: Appears the White Sox and Clevland game has been cancelled.

Also can someone explain how a guy not even playing gets high game for the day . And this same guy actually extends a lead over me