Originally posted by J Geoff:
Curse of Pork, indeed, with my 160 pts this week -- look who's riding my coat tails this week, Buff!
Wow look who is feeling cocky today even without having Wood. Hey Buffy, appears Porky Pup has been gaining some ground - you better rally the troops over the weekend - or he is gonna be out of control if he squeezes his bacon butt into second place . Oh and then we'll have the joy of listening to PL and Pork Chop boast of being 1 & 2 - my ears are bleeding just thinking about it.

And regarding my semi-rise in the ranks this week - once I realized that PL was spending 45 minutes a day with this - I have committed myself to spending 46 minutes each day now. :p

And I signed up for an early copy of his upcoming book.