Yes Plaw, you are a brilliant man, you've got us all pegged.

10 am ET. That is 8 am my time when I get to my desk in the morning. Kind of tough when I am up past midnight making my final picks after the games end. Then winding down time, yep I am in bed about 1:30. Since I work alone and basically answer to noone, I check baseball stuff before I even do anything else.

I am personally grateful to JG for posting the numbers so I dont have to on my own anymore. I'll do my part to say thanks ..I'll bring in bagels tomorrow morning for the whole crew.

Welcome to the game JJ05. 10 is a nice round number to play with. Coo-coo-coo-Chooo!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....