JG: The above's a good one . My original thought was Burnett & Beckett. Of course, that was before I realized that the way to play was to pick a different PS every day. I sure picked the wrong one yesterday
As far as the BVSP goes; Yeah, it was always one click away, but from the looks of the picks, not too many players here were clicking on it. To me, they're just "dumbing down" the game, just like they did when the added the column to show the player's average points for the last 7 days, as well as the season. Shouldn't the participants in the game be figuring out who's hot and who's not? Just my opinion.

joltinjoe: Welcome to the game. While it's true you're getting a late start, it shouldn't be too long before you at least pass BDD.

I remember your first post, I think. About Creamer's DiMaggio book, wasn't it? Your wicked sense of humor has been a sometimes breath of fresh air on these boards, and I wish you the very best of luck in this game.

As a matter of fact, to help you along, here are my Top Ten Tips For Doing Well At Fantasy Baseball (apologies to David Letterman):

10) Try to pick a pitching staff that's going at Coors Field. It's a good pitcher's park.
9) Platooning is way over-rated. Pay no attention to lefty-righty matchups.
8) Offensive players usually do well at Dodger Stadium.
7) Catchers and DHs usually play every day, so try to pick good ones and stick with them forever.
6) Load up on offense, and pick the cheapest pitching staff you can.
5) The Mets are starting to come around. Roberto Alomar and Rey Sanchez should start to get hot.
4) Even though Mike Piazza and Mo Vaughan are on the DL, if you pick them up now they'll be a lot cheaper than when they come back.
3) Don't worry if the team you pick is over the salary cap. Nobody cares about that, anyway.
2) Guys with very few at bats for the season are probably good picks, since they might be "due".
1) How you "Trash Talk" is the most important thing here. That's really what this whole thing is all about. No one cares how well or poorly they do in the game.

So you think you're gonna bring me down, huh? Not in this lifetime, Bro'. :p

"Difficult....not impossible"