Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
...while it looks like you hedged your bet and picked up Florida offense against your Expos PS.

I will be interested in SC's points today since I had Millwood picked until about midnight my time last night. Ballsy move going with the DH and 100% chance of HEAVY THUNDERSTORMS! But, no guts - no glory.

If it is indeed postponed again today, that just means zero pitching points (a few offense for me) and a double header scheduled ANOTHER time. The way my week has panned out so far already, not sure I would be too shocked.

It's gonna be hard to bridge the gap to PL -matching cajones with him (ie: thinking alike). But see, in the back of my mind I KNEW he was gonna do exactly what he did. He on the other hand he probably thought I'd go with Philly....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....