Here are the final week six and total season-to-date results:

PL 252 (week 6) 1720 (season to date) Giants (PS)
LDV 238 1675 Cubs (vs MLW)
UU 256 1666 Dodgers (vs ATL)
JG 198 1608 Cubs
HH 214 1585 Yankees (off-day)
DB 164 1547 Cubs
SC 194 1485 Yanks
OA 258 1411 Twins (vs MN)
BDD 196 1294 Cubs

Well, it looks like the Teams-Formerly-Known-As-The-Oreo as well as BDD shared the same brain today.

Just curious (and I don't think this question should reveal anyone's strategy) but which keeper player do you have that has the best value so far (largest market value gap over locked value)?

Mine would be Corey Patterson. I have him locked in at 2.9 while his current MV is 4.4.