Originally posted by J Geoff:
Okay, preliminary results. All games final except tonight's Boston/Minnesota game.

Now, I'm not sure if the St Louis/Cubs points will stick since it wasn't a completed game.

PL 1717 D-Rays (-12 PS) [b]11
(-8 if no Cubs game)
UU 1627 Dodgers (25) 51 (-11?)
LD 1616 Seattle (24) 61 (-8?) +1 in night game
JG 1586 Giants (-1) 26 (-10?) +2 in night game
HH 1559 Yanks (3) 26
DB 1504 Toronto (27) 61 (-18?)
SC 1454 Yanks (3) 21 +3 in night game
OA 1388 Cubs (-29 if sticks) -6
BD 1276 Giants (-1) 27 (-9?)

Ugh. Guess we weren't so brilliant after all, BDD. And neither was PL OA - I hope the Cubs/St Louis points count for today, but I'm sure you're hoping they won't!

Hey, to think... tomorrow's Monday! :rolleyes: [/b]
It figures (with my luck this week) that when I finally have a decent day, I would be hurt the most by the Cubs/Cards cancellation! Some week huh?!

In any case, that's enough whine with my cheese.

There's always next week.