Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
Everyone's a comedian tonight relishing in my pain.

But gee, this is ONE bad night for me. How many have YOU had Mister 9th place? And since we are in Week 6, you cant use that "I started a week and a half late" lame-o excuse
I know you ain't talking to me But you must be talking to me since I am the only one in ninth place. Go ahead have your fun cause the way it looks now you already fell out of first and within a day or two you might fall to third and fourth

Yet, I do feel bad for your pain tonight - so may I suggest something you can try. Go grab your American Idol 2 CD that you purchased last week, and crank that bad boy up - I am sure by the third track you will be feeling much better. :p Either that or the fact that your ears will probably be bleeding by now, at least you won't be thinking of your team.