Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
Douche!! Man, were you screwed!! The friend I mentioned - the CSW fan? He chided me today for not going with Loaiza today, said I was gonna regret it. Douche - reamed!

I took a chance today and unfortunately for me AND Ole, it was a bust.

Because my Friday night fun would not be complete without a little calculator fun, here are the UNOFFICIAL standings:

PL 1360
UU 1358
BSF 1339
JG 1320
HY 1294
DB 1282
SC 1208
OA 1043
BD 1001 (Welcome to quad digits)
AHHHH! Freaking White Sox! This is what I'd like to do to Loaiza and his overrated Pitcher-of-the-Month-for-April arm!


O.K., I'm better! I'm at peace again. Hopefully, I'll have better luck today. Maybe I'll even score in positive digits!
Any challengers?