Lemme get this straight...a man I've never met was up early one morning thinking of me......and my PITCHING STATS????

Something wrong with that logic...

Speaking of logic, I have always maintained mine is "twisted". I hardly ever take money into consideration when picking. There are times I have spent every cent and sometimes I look and realize I have 2 million left over. I pick my players FIRST and it is not till later I realize $$ might be a factor....

Funny you would think my stats were superior to your picks PL.....I have been frustrated the past few weeks at picking some good, CONSISTENT hitters only to feel I was "off" a day always picking the PS.

Many things are considered making my picks....mostly I consider what the opposition is, stats, looking at playing at home or away (taking into consideration that I have yet to see a HR hit at Coors all the times I've been there ), weather, injuries, the price of hot dogs and whether I "like" the players I pick (why I'll never have Chipper on my roster ).

With that kind of twisted logic one would think Buffy is readying herself to crash and burn, huh?

(Sidebar: In real life I am not this complicated.... )

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....