The fact that I am the ONLY one that picked Philly PS will either make me or break me (the latter I am VERY, VERY afraid of). You are right, 4 LOUSY pitchers. I have had Baerga and Lowell for a while so I could not pick pitchers against either of them so that pretty much left Philly and Dodgers. I am a Dodgers fan, bigtime so that would have been an easy pick if Ashby or Brown were pitching. But Dreifort? Cant do it, Sally. Although, I might have fucked up as LA normally has good closers (Gagne) Unfortunately, no more Fetters. Ah, twisted logic looked better in the dead of night then in the light of day in hindsight....

I have always maintained Mondays don't count. The one with the full roster could have a good day but the real ride for the week starts tomorrow.

I shant think of it today. After all, tomorrow is another day!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....