Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:

(*The above is a testimony from a graduate of the BDD School of Lean Mean Trash Talking. Motto: Make them THINK you can beat them then shin kick them when they're not looking.)
LDV I don't remember you as part of the graduating class - I can only imagine the 'problems' you would give the teacher. But at least you tried - not like that sissy-boy Douche

Originally posted by J Geoff:

ARGH - WTF!? I had 70 pts (and 5th place by 3 pts) when I went to bed. Those 2 runs Clemens gave up were deamed unearned last night (I watched the game), and now they're earned? Was the decision officially changed at 3am or what? Man... if only that KC/Min game wasn't rained out, I'd've had two more batters. Vafanculo!

Hey JGeoff - I agree with SC stop the crying. All this respect I have for you and here is how I imagine you now