Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
[b] Good call LDV on the A's. Zito should be able to get a shutout against the Tigers and their inept offense.
Oakland Piching Staff ....... $ 6.5 million
Detroit Pitching Staff ...... $ 4.1 million

Detroit posting 30 pts
tonight, vs Oakland's 6? .... PRICELESS!!

[/b][/quote]Cold blooded JG, cold blooded!

In any case, because of a monstrous night by my offense, I was still able to get some decent points and overtake LDV.

No more challenges or warnings to SC. I'm keeping my mouth shut. Last time I was in this position, I issued a warning shot to SC, telling him he was next, and I get zero points that day. Nope, keeping this mouth quiet.