Hot Rod and Pork Chop. Sounds like a 70's sitcom....

Well glad someone ELSE is sharing a brain with the Pork.

Did you see the point spread of the Oreo? Tight, tight, tight. If someone has a good day today, things can change dramatically.

Of course the Douche-man and I shared a brain and went with Zito. Too funny that we also went with 2 good Yankees sluggers EACH - but not the same ones and share Corey Patterson. It might come down to who has the better night - his Gonzo or my Bagwell.

I gotta get this guy off my back for good!

And BDD - Guess I missed the lean, mean offensive machine last night. . Big talker.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....