Sheesh, What do I have to do to get out from being the filler in this DoucheB/Pork sandwich I have been in for almost 2 weeks? Not much changed this weekend (of course, we don't wanna bring up the sudden plawrence descent.... )

You guys keep your sluggers, I cleaned house tonight. Call it insanity; call it female logic: we are stereotyped as being fickle, impatient and clueless when spending money. I'd rather say I am spontaneous, adventurous and thrifty. I change my mind who I want every day depending on the opposing pitching staff. Watching the Cubs game today and seeing Sammy get beaned makes me realize how quick things can change day to day.

See? Twisted logic. When I am out of money, I will probably cry. Till then, I'm nipping some of your heels (plawrence).

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....