Originally posted by plawrence:
I'd love to see you with a "respectable" -8 every day (*kick, kick*)
Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
BDD -chin up. You are a competitive soul. You'll come around. Don't worry, we will kick you when you are upright too. :p
OK you kids have your fun now. Hey I can take it, all part of the fun and game, give and take - even though I am now getting talked smack to from some sissy girl - I was referring to you PL on that one

Ok I am kidding my friend - but since I cannot defend myself with my teams actions, I must resort to name calling. I am a sad soul, I will admit.

This being Easter weekend - I am also looking to see if my team can arise and have eternal life. And if not I just hope I get more points than the two of you.