In the spirit of fair competition and friendship among board members, I'll help you out (that is if you'll take info from a guy close to last place!)

First of all, the most important number on your team screen is the Locked (LKD) Value of your team. This is the number that needs to be below 50. Currently, the Market (MRK) Value of my team is 51.3. That number doesn't matter (and is actually better, generally, if it is over 50).

In any case, here's a few scenarios that could happen to you. From the info you provided, it sounds to me like your team is valued at 49.6 (including the player that you say is off tomorrow but could possibly go up).

Scenario 1: You keep the player that isn't playing tomorrow

- In case his value goes up, you're lucky you kept him since you now have him at less than market price.

- If his value goes down, press the "Renegotiate Values" button, and his locked value (along with other players with down values) will be decreased meaning you have more points to spend. Note that the "Renegotiate Values" button only works in your favor (i.e. if a players value went up, the locked value WILL NOT go up to the higher market value.)

Scenario 2: You drop the player and pick up someone else who is playing tomorrow. For simplicity sake, let's just say that even after replacing him and pressing the "Renegotiate Value" button on Monday, your team value is still 49.6.

- If the dropped player's value goes up by greater than .4, then you cannot pick him up unless you make another value dropping move at another position.

- If the dropped player's value goes up by less than .4 or his value goes down, then you can make the switch back to that original player and still be below 50.

Hopefully, that all made sense. Just remember, the key is the Locked Value of your team (you can almost ignore the Market Value of your team.) In the example you gave, even if your market value is at 51, your locked value should still be below 50. Therefore, if you drop someone with a Locked Value of $3, then you have an extra $3 to spend.

However, if you drop a player whose locked value is lower than his market value, (for example, you have Sosa locked at $6 and his market value is $6.6 and you decide to drop him for some reason), then once you release him, you can only pick him up again if you have $6.6 of availability. That's why it's very important to keep players that you have that are "cheap" (locked in at lower than market value even if they are not playing on certain days.