Shhhhh - Do you hear that sound ? That is the sound of the Rookie slowly making his way up the ranks. Damn I can't believe I get high points in a day and it turns out to be a weekend where I can't even crow. Hell this might never occur again so I will crow anyway - ha. Although I understand the reality is that my team did not play that well, I was just able to take advantage of the rain and poor pitches of others - but I don't really care - . I still haven't gotten out of the 40's either higher nor lower . My team is that of remarkable fluid consistency - not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

So do some of you people not sleep? Baseball conversations at 4:00am est -ha. It must have been a late night for a few of you or maybe an early morning, I can only imagine.

Enjoy the weekend all.