Remarkably, that makes PERFECT sense to me. You gotta think in terms of IP's with the double headers but since I was somehow drinking and unbelievably distracted tonight as I tried to make sense of the schedules, I thought Boston had rescheduled for a June date. On second glance that was the Yankees. Doh! I just cannot handle thought of another rain postponement happening, so I picked my man Kevin Brown (against SF - yikes!). Now you have me worried in the wee, wee hours of the morning that I did not think everything through with my usual twisted logic.

And dammit, if I didnt predict you would only be behind me for a day...

But I sailed past the Douche-Man!

JG - do you play fantasy football at this site too? I have played past years at

Yep - job termination or divorce is imminent in my future.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....