Yep, Shaq getting suspended yesterday will cap-off my ridiculous night last night. Uggggh.

To make a long story short, I went to the Bulls game with my brother and mom. Hinrich just refuses to shoot and passes to people who couldn't hit an open jumper if their life depended on it - plus I had picked the Bulls to win. Bulls lose, Hinrich does OK - I'm fine. We go out to eat. That's fine too. Driving home around 11:30 PM, my brother has a tire blow-out with no spare. He didn't want me to call a tow truck so he asks me to hail a cab. Trouble is, we're on Lake Shore Drive - a quasi-highway. So I walk about a mile before I can get a cab and I get my car, and it was around 12:30 when I finally get back to my brother's car. And guess what... my spare tire doesn't fit his car.

So you know what... we call a tow truck. I didn't get home until 2:30 where I promptly see that Woody sucked, that punk Sura (who plaw had) rebounds a fake shot attempt to get a triple double, and oh yea, Woody sucked. :rolleyes:

At least we all have our health!