Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Sorry I've been quasi-away guys. I just finished up a humongous project today. You may have been noticing that I've been posting at weird times lately. It's because for the past month or so, there hasn't been a day (weekends included) when I went home before 9 PM and this past week, I've been going home at 3 AM ......
Hey DB - can you hear that sound - listen very closely - can you hear it now ? It is me playing my violin for you. :rolleyes:


And regarding this humongous project, remember it is not the SIZE of the project - it is what it contributes to the business, you know size doesn't matter.

Hey I am hardly ever here except a bit on weekends anymore and a few quick hits during the week sometimes - today I was on vacation. I do try and keep up with who is winning this and such, you know keeping it real with my 'peeps' - speaking of which, one more impression

Whose Winning ??