According to your transaction log, JG, you had the following team on Sunday:

Pedrag (24)
K Mart (13)
Shaq (24)
Wade (4)
Marbury (8)
van Gundy (0)

Total 73.

Can you tell us how to get the transaction log posted directly from the site like you did with the baseball standings above?

DB: It takes me about 5 minutes to do the scores every morning.

I go to the site, write down everyone's total, and then go to each individual and get his V. Avg for the day.

Then I go to our thread, Copy the previous day's standings into a new post, delete everything for each individual except his previous score and V. Avg, subtract his new total from his previous total (mentally) to obtain his score for the day, figure out (mentally) his +/- for his V. Avg, and then type in his new total and V. Avg for the day.

As far as the infrequent visitors go, there's no rush. Whenever they submit their transaction log, I'll credit them with the points. If they never do, then they wont get the points. I guess I'll send them all a PM, but I would like it a lot better if JG would tell us how he got info directly from the site in his post. Then we'll just make sure everyone has the instructions.

"Difficult....not impossible"