Originally posted by J Geoff:
Feb 28th isn't an issue, it's Feb 29th.
I know Feb 29 is the issue. The transaction log for Feb 28 is what we need to see who everyone had for Feb 29
And, there is no game log for Feb 29th as reported by this game.
There is a transaction log.

And I stand by that. NOT because I don't want to - I don't even have a clue how I did -

When I made my suggestion at6:28 AM, I had no idea how I did either. Then I went back and calculated my score at 7:03. I still had no idea how everyone else did.

I still haven't calculated DB's, altho from his comments it appears i may have picked up a few points. But I have no idea how everyone else did. This is not motivated by self interest. I may have lost ground to everone else for all I know.

I had Garnett. So, probably, did everyone else. Except for Stoudamire, the rest of my picks were nothing special.

I think it'd be too much math to worry about ONE stinkin' DAY out of an entire half-season.

I'll worry about the math. Once I had my transaction log for that day, it took me about one minute to figure out who was on my team, and another 3-4 minutes to go back to the box scores and score them. So I'm looking at 30-45 mins of work, which I'm more than willing to do.

Once we know everyone's score for the day, we can just add in to every day's cumulative score.

why worry over ONE DAY of the season? Sure, MAYBE, in the end it may have made a difference.

Well, let's see...A heated battle for third place overall (or was it the first half? I forgot) between you and Buffy in a six month baseball season came down to the difference in points that you got by starting one day early.

And the battle for third between you and Crabby in the first half of this game went down to the last day.

There could be a 30 or 40 point difference on Feb 29 between any two playere, and that could certainly make a big difference in the final standings, even if it's only to dtermine who finishes 5th or something.

But, according to this game, it didn't exist. So be it, as far as I'm concerned.

But it did exist. This isn't ESPN's game. This is our game. ESPN is simply hosting it and keeping track of our stats.

We all made picks for that day. The games were played. The picks we made are available, as are the scores. Why shouldn't they count?
Look at the 4th Place whiner trying to gain some points that he may or may NOT gain with this added math burden...

Key phrase: "May or may not". If you think I'm motivated by self interest here, you're mistaken.

I'd rather worry about TOMORROW instead of YESTERDAY. We're all in the same boat/ Id find another life preserver
I'd be curious to see your team for Feb 29. Maybe it's you looking for the life preserver. :p

"Difficult....not impossible"