
DB 1402 108.4 133 (+24.6) 1535
JG. 1290 109.9 100 (+02.1) 1390
PP. 1216 105.5 117 (+11.5) 1333
PL. 1188 109.1 088 (-21.1) 1276
TM 1106 112.9 114 (+01.1) 1220
LE. 0771 108.0 126 (+18.0) 0897

Everyone we picked for today sems to be listed for Monday. Since Monday's rosters aren't "locked" yet, I can't see anyone's picks for today, and consequently cannot enter the V. Avgs for today.

"I can always use a good ass-kicking" Vincent Gambini

"Difficult....not impossible"