Yo - Big Daddy in Da House, giving a shout out to all my peeps

I see you guys have been busy this week - I saw you were all in the chat box the other night with that Dejohn guy. I copied some of the threads you will need to get past some of the initial posts though ...


Tis, it is a shame that Capo isn't here

Young kid like capo would love to talk about writing

I will post part of this transcript on the site. Dejohn, what advice would you have for a young aspiring writer?

Try to write something, anything everyday. Also try to write about something that you are passionate about. In that way it won't feel like work.

Just like working for a living- love it or leave it....


Great writers can make you see the people and action, by using just words. Great if you have the talent

Hello All, I haven’t read nor plan to read this book – I am much too busy with Fantasy Basketball. If you didn’t know I am the commissioner and the second half just started and there is opportunity for anyone to join.

Hey look who it is Pee-Lawrence, a bit early for a pee break isn’t it?

Never too early, tell Pops I said ‘hi’

can we please get back to the topic here

Haven’t you ever been told to respect your elders, you’re still mad cause you lost the first half of basketball and all of baseball :p

I heard this is where the action is

Hey it’s my worthy adversary – DB, how are you doing?

Hey I live in Chicago how do you think I’m doing, I get to root for Da Bears and Da Cubbies

Hell DS looks like everyone is here – what are the odds of that?

Well actually if you take the total number of people and factor in the time of the days and ....

What a bunch of goobers on this board, why did I ever agree to this?

Oh you ain’t seen nothing yet, wait till the young pups crash in

All we need are Buffy, Crabby and Big Daddy

Oh Big Daddy ain’t showing up, just like basketball – he’s a wuss .

Gee reading that I'm sorry I missed all the fun. So needless to say I won't be joining 10 days late. Actually don't get much of a chance to visit and if I can't par-tay in the daily trash talk than where is the fun? I am busy - got a new job - actually got a new life, got a new wife and the family is fine da da da - Opps sorry - Billy Joel there. Actually did start a new job and don't visit here during the day and once in blue moon at night. I'll continue to pop in here and there - giving a shout out - talking a bit of smack. I don't feel so bad now that I see that PL's young Protégé is back. Lil' PL is back in the nest - I am sure PL is full of pride now. :rolleyes:

So since I don't get here much I figure I would at least share a little impersonation I have been working on - you remember my talents from the baseball days ...

Whose Winning ? Go DB

Thank you, thank you don't forget to take care of your waiters and waitresses, their working hard for you tonight and don't forget to try the veal.

Maybe if you all play nice - Crabby will come back, I bet she is still playing on the side, like in baseball.

Ok so my job is done here Tonto. You 'kids' continue on with your game. Remember don't run with scissors in your hands. Hey did I mention lately that I won the Football Survivor Pool, was supposed to get a poster but


Ok now I am going - really - just giving a shout out to my peeps. As you were .....