Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Oh, you're behind Pat, plaw? I didn't notice! :p
Yeah, right :rolleyes:

Here's a question that came up at work today, DB, that I'd thought I'd throw your way. It's not a trick question, or a brain teaser or anything, it's legit.

My company has been presented with the possibility of beginning a business relationship with a very large customer. The problem is, the rates they are willing to pay are substantially lower than those which we charge our other customers.

For example, for what we usually charge $60 for, they are only willing to pay $50.

Here's the question:

Are the prices we charge 20% more than they are willing to pay (10/50)? or

Are the prices they are willing to pay 16.7% less than we charge (10/60).

Obviously, both statements are correct, but which do you think would be more correct if I was explaining the pricing structure to a third party?

"Difficult....not impossible"