Me? Testy? Never happen.

This is just a game. I don't care if I win or lose. I'm in it strictly for the fun and enjoyment of the competition and the interaction with my fantasy pals.

I would never let it bother me or upset me.

Sure, I know that everyone is against me. That everyone wants to see me lose. But hey, that's all in good fun. Doesn't bother me in the least.

Not a bit. Not a single damn bit. Not a c**k s**king mother f**kng bit. I don't give a flying f**k where I finish, or even if I finish.
I f**king hate this f**cking game, and Carlos Boozer, and Shaq, and all those overpaid, illiterate, fathering-children-out-of-wedlock a**holes who didn't play when I picked them, can get in a circle and s**k each others big fat d**ks.

But I would never get testy over this.

"Difficult....not impossible"