Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
In that case, is the 59 for me still correct, Commish??
Unfortunately, yes.

What happened was I failed to realize the JG passed CC in the standings yesterday.

Every morning, I go to the ESPN site and write down everyone's total. But since I didn't notice that JG passed CC, I wrote down JG's total as CC's and vice-versa. I never look at their individual point totals for the previous day; I get those by subtracting their previous total score from their new score, so that's how I got that wrong.

So, what I did was subtract CC's old total from JG's new total (which I thought was CC's), and subtract JG's old total from CC's new total (which I thought was JG's). That's how I got yesterday's scores wrong.

So, DB, my comment about being on top of CC no longer applies. It's JG on top of CC now.

"Difficult....not impossible"