I love the Schmoozer. I'll tell you a good story about Steve...

When I first split up with my ex-wife, I dated a woman for a few months, who, as it turned out, had a brother that I knew casually. She was pretty, um, hot, in some, um, "unusual" ways, but after a few months, we split up.

Anyway, one day I'm listening to the FAN and Steve Somers was doing a daytime show with a partner (I forget who, but this was sometime around 1998). You know how everyone is always trying to "fix him up" so to speak, right?

Well, Steve's co-host was reading a letter from some guy who was praising his sister to the skies, and suggesting that Steve call her for a date. The more I heard, the more positive I was that he was describing the woman I dated.

Sure enough, when the co-host is finished with the letter, he gives the name of the brother who wrote it, and now I'm 100% positive it's her.

So I call up the station and get the fax number, and send Somers a lengthy fax about how he should go out with her, and how hot she is, etc. etc.

About a year later, I run into the brother, and mention how I was listening to WFAN the day they read the letter on the air about his sister, and he tells me that Somers did go out with her a couple of times.

"Difficult....not impossible"