The Choose function... 8 choose 2... it basically gives you the amount of combinations of forming a subgroup of 2 from a group of 8.

How it's calculated is "a" choose "b" = "a" factorial divided by the product of "b" factorial and "b minus a" factorial.

To put it into words, Bethie and SP have a 1 in 16 million chance of picking the same team.

Bethie and TM also have a 1 in 16 million chance of picking the same team.

What are the odds of either Bethie and SP or Bethie and TM both picking the same team? 2 times 1 in 16 million. (1 in 16 million plus 1 in 16 million)

Now what are the odds of any two players from our 8 picking the same team... It's the odds of two players picking the same team (1 in 16 million) times the number of combinations of two players picked out of a group of 8.

I hope I made more sense.