I've been in meetings all day.

A few random things...

Congrats Crabby on winning DAY 20! (or is it Day 21)! :p

Way to give away trade secrets there, Commish! :p Just joking. BGT, like plaw said, those players' starting values were based on ESPN's belief of what they were going to do- either just hunches on their part (if the players are rookies) or based on last year's statistics. If Randolph or the others keep doing well, their PVR will keep going up. Conversely, slumping players will have their PVR go down.

Oh wow, I got a coaching win correctly!

I'm really doing poorly in my yahoo basketball leagues. Just haven't focused enough on those. Between this and football, my fantasy sports time is stretched thin. Much like plaw, I am also striving for a real life!