For some reason, I missed reading your whole article a few posts back. It is absolutely excellent! You are absolutely correct in your assessment of Michael and his relationship with Kay.

Kay was DEFINITELY more in love with Michael than he was in her. I think Michael was genuinely fond of Kay, after all, she was the mother of his children! But I don't think there was that "thunderbolt" with Kay that he had with Apollonia.

In GFIII, does Kay ever learn of Michael's marriage to Apollonia? If so, what was her reaction/feeling about it? Did she ever feel as though she was competing with a dead Sicilian wife who was 1) Sicilian, and 2) gorgeous? How long were Michael and Apollonia married? Was there any indication in the book or script of what Kay had written in her letter to Michael that she wanted Tom to deliver to him?

AGain, as I said before. Kay was very much in love with Michael. I believe that she was well aware of the kind of life he was involved in--at least to some extent. She had to accept it or get out--she chose to stay, as most women do who think that somehow or other they have the magic wand to "change" their husband/boyfriend. It NEVER works out that way. (Believe me, I speak from experience!! eek frown )

~~ Lollie

"Sono una roccia; Sono un'isola...una roccia non ritiene dolore; un'isola non grida mai."