Yes, well it seems that most of you perceived what I was trying to say: that Kay knew what she was getting herself into. But, she was crazy about Michael and no matter what, she overlooked a lot of what she probably knew was going on. In no way did I ever even hint that Michael was some kind of saint! I don't know why some people like to put words in my mouth/writing!

I was commenting on the fact that apparently Michael and Kay had some kind of reconciliation during GFIII--at least that is the impression I got from what OTHER PEOPLE HERE SAID. THAT is what I was commenting on. Knowing Italian men in my own family, all I meant was that only a soap opera would have the situation turn around like this.

Olivant, why do you reply to my posts with such derision and antipathy?? I don't understand it. I make it a point to treat the people here on this board with the utmost respect--as I hope to be treated inkind--which is what I've gotten except from you.

~~ Lollie

"Sono una roccia; Sono un'isola...una roccia non ritiene dolore; un'isola non grida mai."