Thursday Morning

CC 80 95 180
PL 74 98 177
SP 94 68 167
FS 87 73 160
DB 63 79 152
TM 42 87 129
JG 36 88 129
BT 19 96 115
OA 00 00 000

CC, PL, and SP owed 5 points for coaching wins

Most of our rosters are pretty much the same today. That's because, I believe (if I'm not mistaken) that in making selections for today, you could have taken the top rated player at each position and still come in under the cap.

And please, guys: Fill each position every day with someone who's playing that day. Coach included.

I have a feeling that some of you who are new to this type of game may still have questions. Please do not hesitate to ask.

EDIT: Scores corrected to reflect winning coaches pointsm which have now been credited.

"Difficult....not impossible"