Originally posted by Hollywood Hagan:

As for the actual content of the post, I also disagree. Kobe is a great basketball player, but as an athlete I can tell you that the best players always have the biggest egos. It is natural. A lot of times, they think they are above the law, or at least have the attitude that "this will never happen to me", or worse yet, feel that "I can have any girl I want". Although it may be true for a lot of groupies, this girl is smart.

Regardless of the outcome of this case, I think Kobe is toast. I can't imagine him rebounding from this one.
I fully agree with you here, especially about the "above the law" statement...

many here in Buffalo felt the same way people from LA feel right now about Kobe about OJ Simpson, but I think we found it harder to believe that he got a decision of NOT GUILTY than the idea that he murdered his wife...

Does anyone have some links to this story? The last thing I saw about it was the press conference with Bryant and his wife...(did anyone else notice that her support seemed to be a little bit overstated and her body language was way too much...she seemed to me that she was acting, trying to create this image to compensate for the accusations... )