Ever since I saw him play in high scool Kobe's been my favorite basketball player. Since then Ive followed him rooted fo him, watched & sometimes rewatched every game possible, & bought 3 of his jerseys. W/o a dout he is my favorite athlete. So when the news 1st came out i's both devistated & shocked. i think i lost my voie fo like an hour. But actually the 1st thing I thought of was jerome bettis. The same thing happened to him last summer. Some girl was forced by some greedy basterd to make false accusations against bettis. no 1 wanted to believe it cus bettis is "mr pittsburgh", a 1st class citizen. Finally the girl admitted the whole thing was lie, i think it was her father that put her up to it. But yesterday I learned that they were not the same thing. bettis never had sex w/ the girl. Kobe did. Watching Kobe admit that he committed adultery hurt pretty bad. heres wat i think:

-i want this girl to show her face. She wont come outta hiding, she wont say anything 1) she cannot be hotter than kobes wife so i dont no wat he thinkin there 2) if she expects me to believe her then I would why would she be hidin

-if ders any1 in this world dat I want to kill right now its that Colorado DA. I dont like him, I dont trust him, i think hes the biggest crock-a-shit iveever seen. ders just somin about him. He says he has evidence...where the fucks it at. I havent heard any.

-OK Kobe had sex w/ her. he committed adultery. Ders many things u can call some1 like this: scumbag, piece o chit, male whore, ....o yea also the president of the united states. Actually hes 1 up on the pres--he admitted it.

The guy made a mistake He admitted it He took full responsibility HE Did Not Rape Her

One Love