Good analogy, Don's office. You can't help but wonder, though, how much of Tyson's "bad boy" image is for real and how much is hype (or at least deliberated for "reputation's sake"). I heard a local DJ put it best about Tyson this morning: "He's a rich, bratty 12 year-old stuck in a boxer's body." She also told how she got to relax in a hot tub with him at the casino he's training at and how more "reserved" he appears. She said he's still got the mouth and manners of a 5 dollar whore, but he's not nearly as provocative. I don't know. I still don't like the guy, but some of his shenannigans I have to take with a grain of salt. Like I said, much of it's hype so he can get more publicity and more $$$.

BTW, there's a rumor that Pacino as well as DeNiro is or will be in town. I'd much rather pay $250+ to see those guys than Tyson or Lewis!

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)