Originally posted by Francis The Kid Forducci:
To hear some of you wishing him a painful death disgusts me. The man made a very bad mistake in life (Raping that woman).

A bad mistake in life. That woman might be sombody's mother, sister, daughter, cousin, wife. The list goes on. Even if she had no family at all it still isn't right. A bad mistake? I can swear you wouldn't say anything like that if anyone you knew was raped or in any other similar situation to that. Go back to your perfect world.

Originally posted by Francis The Kid Forducci:
He is a devout Muslim and has straightened up.

No he hasn't straightened up he's still got a few assault charges against him from recent months. He's like Sammy The bull. He can't leave his old lifestyle.

I've got no problem with you supporting him as a boxer. But his personal life leaves alot to be desired.

So die all who betray Giuliano