Check it out...

So I am admittedly quite computer-illiterate. And I really have not played any kind of video games since the days of ZAXXON and GALAXIAN. But being a fanatical aficionado of THE GODFATHER SAGA, a loyal and devoted member of the GangsterBB Family... And upon reading Don JGeoff's fascinating adventure at the EA campus as well as all of the GangsterBB members reviews and critiques of this new thing of ours... I decided to jump right in.

I mean to say I went and purchased the PC-DVD version of the new THE GODFATHER The Game.

First night I spent just cleaning up my computer... Deleting unnecessary files, freeing up space on the hard drive, Disk Cleanup and DeFragment and all that and all that. My PC is an HP Pavilion, running Windows XP, and it was purchased a little over a year ago. So it is not brand-new, but neither is it a relic or an antique. It has always served me fine, so far.

Second night, I stuck in the game disc and registered and loaded. I have been reading all the members' posts about their adventures in the game, how much fun everyone is having, and so by this time I am just about drooling in anticipation of making my virtual "bones" and becoming a silicon "made man".

So the game loads, it takes some time... But then the screen goes black. Next I see the image of Don Vito and hear the familiar haunting notes of Nino Rota's score. YES! Now I am fully hyped and ready to play THE GODFATHER!

Forgetaboutit... I can't get nothin'... I can see it, I can hear it... But I can't do SHIT.

So I find the link to EA Games online where they check your system and do a diagnostic analysis to see if yer junk is up to snuff. Comes back telling me that I have "FAILED"-- my system does NOT meet the minimum requirements.

Now from what they indicate, everything is on point, but with ONE (maybe two) exceptions:

It says (and I quote):

"Sorry, your video card does not meet this minimum requirement. Upgrade to a more powerful video card will make all your applications look better. Click the 'WE RECOMMEND' button yada yada yada...

Of course, these "recommendations" are all expensive pieces of hardware... Which I know NOTHING about. They run the gamut from basic doohickeys($50+) to extra-fancy thingamajigs ($200+), and to tell you the truth, I don't know nothin' about nothin' from any of these. Where to begin?

The other thing it is telling me is:

FYI: Make sure you have the latest driver for your video card.

Driver? What the? I'm tryin' to play THE GODFATHER game fer chrissakes! The only driver I wanna need is Nice Work Lou!

So at this point my frustration is to where I'm about to start smashin' stuff! I mean, I plunk down damn near $50 bucks for this new game, all excited, now these people are telling me I gotta toss down another big wad of cash for some kinda new piece of equipment!

Not to mention just trying to figure out what's what with this stuff... The insanity of impenetrable, indecipherable computerese that I just do not understand. I am just trying to suss it out, and it's like designed just to make me feel stupid or something!

And all this for what? To play a freakin' VIDEO GAME fer chrissakes!

Play this one game is all I wanna do...That too much to ask?

Why does this seem so impossible?

So somebody ANYBODY tell me what should I do!

Little help?

Power wears out those who do not have it.