Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
Why? Before you know it...gaming will only be for the wealthy...or kids with trust funds. This is absolutely ridiculous... :rolleyes:
Actually, before you know, Sony is going to be out of business. They are going to take a huge loss on the PS3, even if it sells well.

Look at it this way - for the price of the PS3, you could get an X-Box 360 AND the Nintendo Wii. That's nuts.

Sony are the ones that are trying to drive the prices up in this market, and I think (at least in my gamer-minded opinion since the old Atari/Nintendo wars) that Sony is going to alienate many casual gamers with those prices. I mean, c'mon - $600 for the system, another $50 for an extra controller, and $80 for each game? The market won't allow it.

Sony is in trouble...financially, and prospect-wise. They've taken a huge hit with the loss of the rumble lawsuit, and now are acting so arrogant they don't even realize the gaming public is uniting against them. Even most parents, I think, would balk at buying their kids a $600+ video game system for Christmas.

Go Nintendo! There system is going to be under $250, and games will sell for under $50. And, they have the new, innovative controller.

I still want a PS3, in the worst way...but I won't buy it until the prices go down. The problem is that the franchises I want (SOCOM, F1, Gran Turismo, etc.) are PS3 exclusive. Darn.

Anyone else think that Sony could go the way of the Dreamcast?